Google+ Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas: Why Do I Do What I Do?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Why Do I Do What I Do?

When I started this little blog (in Nov 2010) I had no idea where I was going with it or if anyone would even read it. Now, I find myself at a point where readers are asking me about how and why I do what I do here on Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas.  I am by no means an expert but I am more than happy to share my knowledge, teaching experience and personal thoughts here on Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas.

How do you decide on what you cover with the Lil Divas?
A while back I shared my Preschool Theme Calendar - this is my basic guide. It is my "goal" list of topics I would like to cover but by no means do I strictly adhere to it.  My framework is thematic and literacy based - our themes and activities tie into the books we read throughout the week.  I try to put everything into perspective with what we are experiencing in real life. We do a letter of the week but it is incorporated into our theme and I do not cover the letters in order. I incorporate math, language, reading, and science into topics as I can. 

Do you homeschool?
We are not traditional "homeschoolers" in the sense that both my girls actually attend schools outside the home. So, why do I do what I do? As a teacher, I know that learning begins in the home. We are our children's first teachers and in many ways the most important. My preschooler only goes to school 3 hours a day. Most of her actual learning comes from me.

What I post here, on Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas, is the "at home" fun and teaching I do with my girls beyond their school day. That is why I chose to work from a thematic framework. We have fun with seasonal ideas, holidays and topics and I "sneak" in some learning along the way.

Most of what we share is preschool based due to the ages of my girls. Simply put - it's where we are and what we are doing at this point in time. I sneak in some Kindergarten fun for my Oldest Diva but after spending a full day at school - I do not want to overwhelm her with more work.  I try to keep it light and fun and I do not force her to participate (I admit I strongly encourage it!).  We do work on sight words and reading daily because that is essential for her at this point. Sometimes the Oldest Diva wants to work on my preschool activities with her sister, especially if they involve art or a craft (she loves those type of activities).  I don't have a problem with that and I try to be flexible and find "teachable" moments in whatever we are doing. Having fun while learning is essential. It makes it memorable and that is when the real learning takes place.

How do you find time to do it all?
I don't! I honestly plan way more than we ever do and we are almost never on schedule. I set a schedule for myself just to keep me moving along but sometimes the Lil Divas lose interest in a topic so I cut it short. Some weeks life is way too hectic and we don't have lots of time for our activities. Other times a topic proves to be really fun and we just go with it or I find inspiration and add in something completely new. That just happened when I did a week and a half dedicated to the If You Give a....books - that was not in my plans at all! We read If You Take a Mouse to School as part of our Back to School books and the Lil Divas remembered we had If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and requested we read it again as well.  How can you stop there? I couldn't - so a new theme was born! I love that we have the flexibility to do that.

I thank all of you, my wonderfully amazing readers, for coming along with us on our journey. Your encouragement and comments mean so much. I find so much inspiration in you all as well - it is truly bewildering how many creative ideas and fun ways to learn are out here in bloggyland. I love being able to share what we do and peek at what others do. It has definitely helped me grow, learn and get in touch with my inner child and creativity.

Now you know a bit more about us and how and why I do what I do with the Lil Divas. Feel free to keep the questions coming if I missed something you are just dying to know! :)



  1. Your girls are so fortunate to have you! We learn at home, too, but not on any type of schedule. Thanks for giving us the inside scoop on how you do it. :)

  2. We function the same way at our house. Both of my little ones go to a preschool. I try to enhance their lessons with my own. Usually a couple of nights a week. By usually I mean whenever we can fit it in :)

  3. I can't believe your kids go to school and you still have time to do all you do. My kids get home from school at 4:15 and by the time I unpack their bags, make dinner, clean it up and do homework it is bedtime. You are supermomma!

  4. Umm....yep. Totally just realized that I don't *have* to teach the alphabet from A-Z. Sigh. Such a rookie mistake!

  5. It's like you read my mind! There is so much in this post that I TOTALLY agree with and could have (and actually have) said myself. Thanks for doing what you do. You are an inspiration to fellow bloggers like myself! Thank you!!

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