Google+ Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas: The Sunday Showcase - A Child Centered Linky Party 09/25/11

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Sunday Showcase - A Child Centered Linky Party 09/25/11

The SUnday Showcase
Welcome to the Fabulous Sunday Showcase -
where we showcase YOU!

We feel confident in saying that this linky is always full of amazing ideas
so be sure to check out what your fellow bloggers have linked-up.

You will be inspired, awed and ready to create!

If you are here for the first time please take a moment to read
our informational post for full details -
we like to think this is a relaxed linky but there are a few guidelines.

Anything kid friendly and/or child centered is welcome!

We don't accept links for giveaways, shops,
or downloads for purchase, etc.
They will be deleted & we do monitor our links.

If you're linking up with us - please visit some of your fellow bloggers!
We ALL love comments, encouragement, feedback, etc.

One of your 2 Hostesses (Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas and/or Classified:Mom)
will be visiting & commenting on your shared link(s) -
we always appreciate your comment love too!


Here are this week's Showcase Features
(chosen from last week's amazing entries)

Hannah on Paint On The Ceiling showcased her DIY Puzzle Blocks

Go on a Bear Hunt and learn about the letter "B" 
with Lori from La-La's Home Daycare

Ladybird Ln shared their homemade magnetic car activities

My Silly Little Life shared some great Story Stones

Come Together Kids shared an awesome Flashcard Game

If you have been featured, grab a button you deserve it!

The Sunday Showcase Feature

Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Homemade Cinnamon Apple Play Dough Fun

Homemade Cinnamon Apple Spice Play Dough

Classified: Mom
"Teacher's Pet" Apple Paper Sculpture

"Teacher's Pet" Apple Paper Sculpture by Classified: Mom

Now that the school year has settled in, it is a great time to have your child make this Apple Paper Sculpture as a thank you for their special teacher.

Thank you for linking up with us!
Aimee (Classified:Mom) & Bernadette (Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas)


  1. Thanks so much for featuring our flashcard game!

  2. I've been loving all your apple-themed activities, Bernadette! I added the link to your apple-themed posts at my Pinterest Apple Unit Study board: I always find so many great ideas at The Sunday Showcase! Deb @

  3. I like those DIY puzzle blocks. Thanks for the link-up :-)

  4. Thanks for the Linky! I am excited to check everything out. I shared our favorite activity from the week... not necessarily my favorite, but since my son has shown it to EVERYONE we know and talked about it whenever we go any where... it is a must share! Nothing novel, but totally fun :)

    Loved all your apple posts this week. My son has an apple theme going on at preschool next week, so we'll probably try some of them out!

  5. Thanks for featuring our Bear Hunt! We truly had a good time with the hunt and game. We are still playing the game, and have moved on to the letter C. :)


  6. All linked up :) Thanks for the invite and thanks for hosting!


  7. Thanks for hosting and for the nice comment at Reading Confetti! I posted my balloon pumpkin! Lorie

  8. There will be no bored day if you have Things to do on the list! The trendiest and most excited places in the world are ready to discovered.


Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!