Google+ Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas: Lil Diva Garden Update - All Our Seeds Have Sprouted!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lil Diva Garden Update - All Our Seeds Have Sprouted!

Our Vegetable Garden is planted (thanks to Miracle-Gro Kids Kit) and sprouts are visible! :)

If you missed my post on the Miracle-Gro Kids Mod Pots Kit <---click here. This kit was really easy, little  mess and the fairly quick results with impatient/excited kids has been very welcome!

Here's our Garden update:

Day 1:

Day 3:

Day 5:

 Day 6:

Day 12: Sweet Peppers have sprouted!

It's official - all of our seeds have sprouted & the Lil Divas are so proud! I actaully re-planted the cucumber in a larger window box because it was getting too big for the cup! This Mama is so glad that I didn't kill these plants! I have to admit that I do not have a very good track record (black thumb versus green thumb) but this kit really was foolproof even for me! :)

The Lil Divas have been amazed at the growth  of their little seeds and they run downstairs every morning to check up on their lil garden! It's been a wonderful experience.

We have been reading lots of garden themed books - here a few of our favorites:



  1. I am pretty sure that I am green thumb impaired. I planted tons of flowers and veggies in pot this Spring, only to be rewarded with a drought in Texas...which means I have to actually water things. I am not good st it....I either water too much or too little. I killed my cilantro!! Yep, that's me.
    Thanks so much for stopping by Staying Home and Staying Sane...I am gladly following back. :)

  2. WOW! How very cool. I've planted nothing this year, aside from a few pansies.

    Thanks for linking up with Super Stalker Sunday hop. There are so many wonderful blogs participating, I hope you've found a few that you enjoy. Be sure to join us again next week!

    Emily from Nap Time Is My Time

  3. These kits look like they produce wonderful results. And bonus they all sprouted--that usually is not the norm.

  4. What fun! looks like a great kit!
    starting seeds is something that never gets old! We homeschool and this is how we start our seeds for gardening every year!

    I will be posting a fun, 'quick growing' idea on my blog soon...great for those of us who are a bit impatient. lol I hope you'll pop over & check out my blog!
    Joyful Stamper!

  5. Isn't it amazing how quickly they grow. I am talking about the kids. But they will just notice the plants that are growing in front of them.

    Hello I am following you via TTT blog hop. Please follow me.

  6. My mom and brother could take a stick - put it in dirt and end up with a plant. I take a beautiful plant and turn it into a stick in no time flat ;-)

    Thanks so much for joining the Tuesday Train - hope to see you there again real soon!

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