Google+ Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas: First Week of Preschool - Messy Play and Fun!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Week of Preschool - Messy Play and Fun!

I survived the first week of preschool and it was lots of fun for me and the cute kiddos in my class. I thought I'd share a few photos of the messy fun and play that went on in my classroom last week.

Our Theme - School is FUN!

We played with water beads
Everyone was amazed at how much they grew over time.
This activity has been such a HUGE HIT!
The kids beg me to open our sensory table first thing in the morning.

The kids had a great time exploring shaving cream,

painting on the easel

and doing lots of finger painting.

My class loves play dough.
They really like the sweet fruity scented play dough.

We made marble paint bees for our outside wall display.
I used photos of the children as the bees faces
& they turned out so cute.
I also cut hexagon shapes and let the kids each decorate one.
Then I used them all to make a large honeycomb.

There was lots of dress-up play, block building, 
story time and playground fun.
The kids sure do know how to have fun on the playground.
Between the sand, water, slides and trikes
they are busy, busy, busy.

What a great week.
I can't wait to share our current week with you -
Theme - I Am Special!
Check back next Wednesday for a peek at what we did.


  1. This looks so much like our preschool! What a great first week!

    1. We certainly had lots of fun and there will be so much more to come!

  2. All of these sensory activities are so much fun. I would have to say my preschool students like washing foods the best. I guess you can say that's a clean messy activity, LOL. They love learning about garden vegetables and cleaning them in the sensory table.

    1. what a fun idea for when we talk about fruits & veggies! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Looks like an awesome 1st week! I want to be in your preschool class... lol.


    1. you are welcome anytime Jen :) It was such a fun start to the school year. I am excited.

  4. What a fun little Pre-school! You seem like a very fun teacher! Congrats on your 1st week!

    1. Thank you Michelle. I certainly hope my kiddos feel that way.

  5. Seems like an enjoyable first week. Thanks for sharing.

  6. The school knew what they were doing when they hired you! What a great looking week!

    1. Thank you so much for saying that Eddie. I am excited about this year.

  7. What a wonderful post and so many great resources on your blog. I am so excited to explore it more. Quick question, where did you buy the water beads? I found some on Amazon, but they looked to be packaged more toward flower arrangemetns so I was not sure if they would be the same non-toxic kid-friendly ones that I have been reading about. Thanks!

  8. Looks like such a wonderful week at preschool. Can't wait to see the next one.

  9. I agree! Sign me up to be in your class! Looks like you had a blast!

  10. Looks like a fantastic first week, Bern! Well done, you!

  11. The vibrant colors of the water beads make them look more attractive to kids. It makes them more fun to play with.

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