Google+ Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas: D is for Dinosaur - Dino Dig Fossil Art

Thursday, August 18, 2011

D is for Dinosaur - Dino Dig Fossil Art

After our dino dig activity  I was inspired to do some Dino Dig Art with the girls.

I had planned to make fossils using pasta but after our project I thought it would be fun to make our pasta look like partially excavated bones.

What You Need:
macaroni pasta
wheel shaped pasta
ground coffee
cardboard (for background)

What We Did:
1. I drew an outline of a dinosaur fossil on a piece of cardboard for each Lil Diva. It was just lines/sticks nothing fancy - it was meant to be a basic guide not an illustration.

2. The Lil Divas decided which pasta they wanted to use out of what we had in our cupboard. They opted to use macaroni for most of the bones (not elbow macaroni), spaghetti for the ribs, fingers & toes and wheel shaped pasta for the head.

3. After gluing down the pasta fossil we covered the entire cardboard area with glue

4. Then The Lil Divas covered the area with ground coffee - this was our dirt! It smelled so much better than dirt - YUMMY!

5. Let it sit for a few minutes so that the coffee does not shake off when you eliminate the excess.

6. Shake off the excess coffee and you are left with your partially fossilized looking pasta art!

The Lil Divas were so proud of their fossils and it was a nice sensory activity with the yummy smells and different textures.

Books We Read:



  1. So cool. Love the results. Thanks for stopping by Creative and Curious Kids! You asked about our marbled starfish. We made shaving cream swirled paint. Here is the link to where I got the idea:
    Thanks again for commenting and visiting.

  2. Beautiful fossil art! My daughter would love it!

  3. That is awesome! My son would love doing this. I am thinking it would be really fun for a birthday party too. What a great idea!

  4. I LOVE this idea! My kids will FLIP! =)

    Thanks for stopping by yesterday and linking up on the W/W Hop! I hope you had the chance to hop around and meet new bloggers! I also wanted to give you a chance to win in a new giveaway starting today! Come back by again and enter your name. =)
    Have a great Thursday!
    Cookin’ for my Captain

  5. What a cool idea. I think that my little one is too small for making shapes, but glueing noodles sounds like fun. Thank u for sharing

  6. That turned out so cool mama! Great idea- and it is a must do for us ;-)

  7. Ohhhh...LOVE this! My kids are going to be SO excited!!!!!

  8. Great activity! My oldest loves dinosaurs. She would love this project. Thanks for sharing!

  9. This post counts as an entry in the Summer Reading Challenge.

    You sure came up with wonderful things to do with dinosaur bones.

  10. Cool Dinosaur idea! Anything that smells like coffee would be welcome in my classroom :)

  11. This is such a neat son will love this!

    Now I have something to do with a bunch of Kcups that I have, that I don't want ;) *don't like the flavor!

  12. This is great! Just not sure if my hubby would let me use his precious coffee.

  13. Great activity! I just added this to my Pinterest dinosaur unit study board:

  14. I LOVE this idea! I'm going to have my sons make some for their dino bedroom!

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