Google+ Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas: Kids Get Arty - Splatter Painting Like Pollock

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Kids Get Arty - Splatter Painting Like Pollock

It's time for Kids Get Arty!
This month I decided to let loose and let the Lil Divas get MESSY
channeling their inner Jackson Pollock.

We took this activity outside to protect our furniture (good call on my part because things got messy!). The Lil Divas set to work on their canvases using acrylic paint and various tools for splattering, dripping and pouring including plastic forks, paint brushes, basters, toothbrushes, strainers and other fun painting tools. 

"On the floor I am more at ease. I feel nearer, more part of the painting, since this way I can walk around it, work from the four sides and literally be in the painting”  
-Jackson Pollock, My Painting

The only directive I gave the Lil Divas was not to paint - I urged them to flick, pour, drip and splatter. They had a great time exploring the different tools and figuring out the best way to use them. When I say we were coated in paint, I am not kidding. It was on our clothes, in our hair and all over our patio. There were many cries of "oops" and even more giggles as the Lil Divas worked. It was such a fun process for them - definitely worth the mess.

Believe it or not, the process of "letting go" was difficult for the Oldest Diva. She usually has a specific outcome or picture in mind when she sits to paint or create so she wasn't sure she could do this. I offered encouragement and told her to try, just testing the various tools I provided and seeing what they did and how it felt to use them. This helped her get started and once she did, she was off. I could see her eyeing the paper, her flicks more deliberate than those of her sister. She would get up, changing positions and angels so she could utilize the entire canvas. 

The Littlest Divas was more carefree, haphazardly flicking and dripping paint - not caring where it landed or what it looked it. Just enjoying the freedom to create and make a mess. At times like these, it strikes me how different their personalities are and how much of that was reflected in their different approach to this activity. 

"It doesn't matter how the paint is put on, as long as something is said." - Jackson Pollock

I think the finished products would make Pollock himself proud. I can't wait to display them in our home - true abstract expressionist works of art.

Great books for kids to explore more of Jackson Pollock -
(click each book for more info)

Now it's your turn! Join Red Ted Art, The Imagination Tree Imagination Soup, Tinkerlab, Creative with Kids and me for Kids Get Arty by linking up below. I can't wait to see what artists you have all explored with your kids.


  1. They are great. I found you via kids get arty

  2. Oooh how I love all that movement in your artwork. And the colours are all fabulous. What a great arty session. I bet the girls really loved it :-)

    So pleased to see you over on Kids Get Arty!!

    Thanks for co-hosting again!!!


  3. these look great, will have to do this with my kids, but i'll have to wait until next year when it's warmer so we can do it outside. Because if I let them do this in the house I think they'll be more paint on the walls and ceiling than on the paper!!

    I love the bright paint you used, looks gorgeous!

  4. What fun! Love their paintings.

  5. Love this idea! What kind of paint did you use? Was it washable?

  6. The main highlight look at while considering any painter is their long stretches of involvement and what their claims to fame are, especially on the off chance that you are searching for a painting. A few painters confine themselves to painting just for local locations, while there are other people who can do gasping occupations for private, business and modern edifices. painters dublin


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