
Monday, February 13, 2012

Crayon & Sticker Resist Watercolor Valentine Cards

Crayon & Sticker Resist 
Watercolor Valentine Cards

The Lil Divas wanted to make special Valentine's Day cards for their teachers and their Dad. I've been wanting to try crayon resist painting with them for some time. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to try something new & make our cards at the same time. 

I introduced the Lil Divas to the concept of crayon resist by preparing a few secret valentine messages for them to uncover.

I used white crayon to write hidden messages on plain white paper that I drew a heart on. 

The Lil Divas had fun uncovering what I had written for them.

and they were excited to try it themselves.


We've done tape resist watercolor painting in the past so the Lil Divas had the idea to use some of our Valentine themed stickers on their cards as well. 

I think they turned out lovely & the Lil Divas are super excited to give them to their intended recipients on Valentine's Day. 



  1. Replies
    1. thanks Melissa. The girls are so excited to give them to their teachers tomorrow.

  2. Great idea! Thanks for sharing! I found you on pinterest :)

    1. hi & welcome! How wonderful you found us on pinterest! Hope you'll have a look around

  3. These look great! And the girls look like they had so much fun making them!

    1. Thank you! They definitely had lots of fun making them & really are excited about how they turned out.

  4. What great ideas!! We will definitely try these.

  5. I was trying to do this with my little one today and it turned out terrible... I should have looked at your post first :) Will try again soon. Very cool!!!


  6. love this! thanks for sharing these cool ideas!

  7. They turned out so great! I haven't done this with my little ones yet. Can't wait to try it. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  8. Did you just use regular white computer paper? Also, did the stickers tear the paper when you pulled them up?

    1. Josie we used card stock. The stickers take some paper off - peel gently and it's barely noticeable. It depends on the sticker too. Some peeled off much easier than others.

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