
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

{Faux} Tie Dye Easter Cross Art for Kids

Are you up for yet another fun coffee filter craft? I sure hope so because I was pretty excited about how awesome these {Faux} Tie Dye Easter Crosses turned out! Last year, we made Easter Eggs for our windows so I knew I wanted something different this year.

The Littlest Diva came up with the idea for crosses and after a few snips of our coffee filters we had our basic shape.

 Once we had our shape, we were ready to have fun folding the coffee filters in different ways. After doing so many of these crafts we like to try to come up with different designs by folding our coffee filter a variety of ways. The fun part is that you never know what you will get until you open it up.

Then we got to the fun part - getting creative with our Do-A-Dot Markers. 

We had fun mixing up our dot patterns and it was really cool to see how the different folds gave us some really cool patterns.

Once you start opening these up and seeing your patterns - they get quite addictive so beware. Be sure you have lots of coffee filters handy.

Here are some of the fun patterns we ended up with.

What I like best about these crafts is that kids of all ages can enjoy them because there is no right or wrong way to do them. 

Have fun do-a-dot cross painting!


  1. Beautiful! Pinning to my Easter board!

  2. Nice effects! As fun as folding and cutting out snowflakes , but colorful and lively. A great Easter message.

  3. Just had a blast making these with my girls. We're going to hang them in our front window once they dry. Question for you, did you spray yours with water after the dot markers? Wondering how your colors bled together so nicely.

    1. Stacy, my girls have become pretty good at it because we have done so many so they know to really press the dot markers to let the color out, to leave little white space and do both sides. I don't add any water at all - just the dot markers but we use them generously.

  4. This project looks great for our school bulletin board! My concern is with staining. Is it possible to use washable markers instead of Do A Dot Markers? I read they stain terribly. Thank you!

  5. Your blogs are really good and informative. After doing so many of these crafts we like to try to come up with different designs by folding our coffee filter a variety of ways. The fun part is that you never know what you will get until you open it up lawyer for wills and estates. I got a lots of useful information in your blogs...


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