
Friday, August 10, 2012

Back to School... for Mommy!

You know how people say you should "expect the unexpected". Well, it's true! This week, this Mama got a job! Yes, you read that correctly. I am going back into the classroom - as a Preschool Teacher (with 3 year olds)! After sharing my "lack of finding a job" woes with you, I am thrilled to now be able to share this good news. 

You can't even begin to imagine how excited I am to have my own classroom again... or how nervous I feel. Not because I don't think I can do it  (I know I can!) but because I don't have much time to get myself, my classroom or my "stuff" in order. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to things like that, so not having planned ahead for this and being thrust into it last minute, has me a bit thrown for a loop.

My head is spinning with thoughts of classroom layout, welcome gifts for the kiddos, letters to parents, first activities, etc. It feels so good to be thinking of all this again though, it's what I LOVE to do. 

The Lil Divas are, for the most part, excited for me. The Littlest Diva has had a few moments of jealousy.  She may or may not have casually mentioned a few times that she didn't want me working with "cute little kids".  (haha!)  Of course, it will be an adjustment for all of us but I am confident that things will go well. It really couldn't be better timing.  Both Lil Divas are in school full days this year and my teaching hours are part-time so I will still get to drop them off at school every morning and pick them up in the afternoons. We couldn't ask for more. 

You might be wondering what this will mean for the blog? I have been thinking about that too, a lot. I am hoping that not much will be affected here.  This blog is first and foremost about the things the Lil Divas and I do together.  That is what it will continue to be. I plan to continue our "after school fun" activities at home. After all, enriching my Lil Divas is always my #1 priority. Realistically, I might not get to post every day. Truth be told, it's always been hard for me on a regular basis to keep that up anyway.  My plan is to continue to write and post as I can and I am aiming for 4-5 times a week (versus my current 7) but we'll see how it goes so please bear with me as I get myself organized and get into a groove. 

Above all, wish me luck! 
I could use your positive vibes and well wishes.


  1. i also just got a job after being out work (i was doing in home daycare) for 4 years! im so overwhelmed with letters, schedules, activities, decorating, classroom layout, the list goes on and on!! i hope everything goes well for you!!!

    1. Oh Jill, congrats! It's a bit overwhelming at first but it always is even when I had lots of time to prepare! Wishing you the best of luck with your long To Do List - may we both tackle them with time to spare and our sanity in check, hehe!

  2. Congrats! Sounds like a great new chapter in your life. So funny that she is worried about cute kids! She'll have her own life now with her own cute kids :-)

    1. I found it funny too but I think she's a little concerned about not being the "littlest" anymore as she is off to kindergarten and I'll be spending time at preschool. I know once she gets started she'll be too busy learning and having fun to think about what I am doing (hopefully!)

  3. Congratulations! Life is all about change, it seems.

    1. thank you Stacy. Life is always moving and changing - we can only embrace it and move along with it. Don't want to be left behind ;)

  4. Woo hoo!!! So exciting! I'm so happy for you! Those are going to be some lucky3 year olds!

  5. I found your blog through the Circle of Moms contest!! Congrats on doing SO well! I'm a new follower and I can't wait to search through your site more! I hope you can stop by my blog sometime....I'm a mother of 2 and a former teacher of 10 years. Hopefully we can share some ideas!


    1...2...3...Teach With Me
    Dots of Fun! Clip Art

    1. Welcome Tammy! So glad you stopped by. Can't wait to share with you.

  6. You mentioned posting less. Did you see the guest post on Problogger about how often to post? It talks about how doing less posts can actually be better and not affect readership. You should read it. It will make you feel better about cutting back!

    1. Thanks Megan - you are so sweet to think of me with this. I read the article just the other day - it was truly perfect timing for me wasn't it?

      I don't know why I ever set that post 7 days a week demand on myself but it's hard to get out of that mind set. I always feel guilty when the blog is blank for a day. I think time constraints will end up getting me to ease up though. It is hard to keep content running here 7 days a week with everything else going on in my outside life and I think I will actually need to sleep a little more now or those kiddos will get the better of me, hehe.

  7. Congrats Ben! I feel so happy for you! All the Best!

  8. Best of luck to you! Onward and upward! Sometimes we can't hold on to the things we did in the past that got us going into the future. The blog will still be awesome...just different:) Keep us posted on your new experience!


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