
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 8/17 {w/Linky}: Our 1st Visit from The Tooth Fairy

Last Friday (8/12) my Oldest Diva (5 1/2 yrs old) lost her 1st Tooth!

Here she is proudly showing off her lost tooth!
BTW, yes that is another tooth you see coming in already!
We actually had to pull the tooth out - the new one is growing in the back :(

The tooth that would NOT come out!

She wanted to write a note to the tooth fairy.
It was so cute how hard she worked on it
& she thought it up & wrote it entirely on her own -
I just helped her spell the words.

In case you can't see her note says:

To Tooth Fairy,
I Love You.
You are my only Tooth Fairy.
What do you look like?
Please enjoy my tooth.

In return her Tooth Fairy (whose name is Flossie)
left her a certificate, a gold coin & a note.

The note said:

Thank you for your wonderful note. I love you too.
I was so excited to be chosen to be your tooth fairy and
come to get your first tooth. It is a wonderful healthy tooth.
Thank you for taking such good care of it. I will be back
the next time you lose a tooth but until then please
keep up the good work! Remember to brudh and please
don't eat too much candy! We need your healthy teeth.

Your Tooth Fairy

She was so happy & proud the next morning!

It was a fabulous 1st visit from the Tooth Fairy!

Can't wait to see what you are sharing this week!


  1. So sweet and adorable!

    ~ Amanda from DenSchool following via the Hip Homeschool Hop

  2. We just lost a tooth in this house too. Seems to be going around. Love the note. How cute. Happy WW!

  3. "You are my only tooth fairy!" How cute!!

  4. This is so sweet! Love the notes!

  5. You're making me feel bad! I used to be so good at this stuff when my 1st was going through all this new stuff. Now I totally suck. Middle child lost a tooth yesterday and the tooth fairy forgot to come and this isn't the first time! Yikes! I wonder if the tooth fairy will pay interest tonight?

  6. what a cute story & I love the certificate. I remember when mine lost their front teeth... I always had to get a "pumpkin" face grinning picture from them.

  7. What a wonderful milestone! Though I cringe at the thought that we will be there one day in the not too distant future...

  8. What a sweet note! She's adorable. :)

    Marla @

  9. She is a doll and that note is too cute! Thanks for hosting.

  10. Aww that is such a sweet note! That certificate thing is a great idea!

  11. Sooo cute- Bubba is close! He has one that wiggles. What is the going rate these days?

  12. That is so exciting!! My oldest is about to lose his first any day too!!
    What a cutie!

  13. You've got to love the innocence of children!

  14. How cute! I too will be looking forward to that with my son. Last appt the dentist said he shows a few loose teeth coming out by October. Does the Tooth Fairy in your home leave any money? I used to love losing teeth while at my Grandparents house for the Summers. I hear prices have gone up nowadays. ;-)

  15. How exciting!My kids were always excited when they lost a tooth! What a cute letter!

    have a happy WW!

  16. What a wonderful post. So sweet, I love it thanks for sharing!!

  17. Congrats on the latest accomplishment! Love the note and the response.
    Too cute!

  18. my eldest is 6 and hasn't lost any teeth yet, bit shouldn't be too long and I can't wait to make him a little tiny letter from the tooth fairy!!

    i've also linked up and I am now following you. I love it if you could check out my New Link party, you have some really great post!!

  19. I seriously love this post. I am a kids dentist and your post made me laugh. I am a new follower from the blog hop. Would love a follow back:)


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